🧰Relevant Simulation Platforms

Selected relevant simulation platforms, and automated driving developement software tools.

Simulation Platforms/Tools

Simulation Platforms/Tools



Open source, highly portable, microscopic, and continuous multi-modal traffic simulation package

Microscopic simulation; Multimodal Traffic; Automated Driving with Transition of Control;

Vehicle Communication; Traffic Management

Multimodal traffic simulation software (none open source)

Traffic simulation; Mobility Trends; Transportation Planning; Modelling; Operation

Open-source simulator; Flexible API with sensor suite; ROS integration; Maps generation

Training, and validation of autonomous driving systems

Simulator built as an extension of CARLA for urban driving in massive mixed traffic;

Testing of crowd-driving algorithms; perception, vehicle control, planning, and end-to-end learning

Unity-based multi-robot simulator for autonomous vehicle; integrated with the Duckietown, TierIV's Autoware, and Baidu's Apollo platforms; can generate HD maps

Testing Autonomous Vehicle

A simulator for drones, cars and more, built on Unreal Engine; open-source, cross platform, and supports software-in-the-loop simulation

Experiment with deep learning, computer vision and reinforcement learning algorithms for autonomous vehicles

A simulator for self-driving; Baseline agent available; Modifiable source; Enable up to eight cameras with depth

Experiment with self-driving AI

A driving simulator with key features of : Compositional: generating infinite scenes; Lightweight: it can run up to 300 FPS on a standard PC; Realistic: Accurate physics simulation and multiple sensory input, top-down semantic map

For the research of generalizable reinforcement learning; Single Agent and Multi-Agent simulation

A data-driven simulation platform based on Waymo Open Dataset. Default simulation is 10Hz. Support two models for other agents: log playback and an IDM-based route-following model; Direct state-based control, and control via the kinematic bicycle model; Provide adapters to common RLs.

Motion Planning using control theory, data-driven, or reinforcement learning-based methods.

Single agent and multi-agent behavior prediction research.

A collection of composable benchmarks for motion planning on roads. The benchmarks consist of a scenario with a planning problem, a vehicle dynamics model, vehicle parameters, and a cost function composing a unique ID.

Research on Motion Planning. Evaluating motion planning algorithms in different scenarios and against different benchmarks.

A light version of collection of simulated environments for autonomous driving; Based on OpenAI gym

Experiment with autonomous driving and tactical decision-making tasks on: Highway driving; Merging; Roundabout driving; Parking; Intersection; and Racetrack

CARLA + SUMO co-simulation environment providing a rich library for Cooperative Driving Automation;

Automated driving components (e.g., perception, localization, planning, control); Connectivity and Cooperation; Full-stack Simulation; CDA Evaluation

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